Energy-related renovation
From old into new
Of course, we also know about renovating an old building in respect of energetic terms for the future. Through appropriate thermal refurbishment measures you can save a lot of money in the long term, significantly improve the carbon footprint and also increase the attractiveness of your old building notably - and that on favorable terms, because according to the principle of killing two birds with one stone, you achieve double benefit: your existing property needs a new roof anyway? We implement for you, while recovering the roof, also a cost-effective roof insulation to the existing structure.
The plaster of the house is crumbling, the facade should be urgently renewed? In addition to the strengthening, the doubling and the insulation of the existing façade surfaces, with new ideas, we can also give your house a completely new look. In that case you should also consider the replacement of windows by highly insulated triple glazing - with inexpensive plastic profiles, high quality wooden frame or durable wood and aluminum frames.
While the rebuilding and renewal of the building technology you should also take into consideration an appropriate energy mix, then you will be at the top in terms of energy. Old heaters can, for example, be replaced by new condensing boilers, which combined with solar thermal systems generate hot water for showers and support the heating.

Energetisch Sanieren

Energetisch Sanieren

Energetisch Sanieren

Energetisch Sanieren

Energetisch Sanieren

Energetisch Sanieren

Energetisch Sanieren