Building in Public Space
Unlimited multiple benefit
If commercial enterprises, institutions or public authorities plan a building, there are many arguments for the prefabricated timber frame or the use of timber engineering. The cost-benefit balance in timber construction is namely consistently positive. Architecturally and creatively almost anything is possible. For large-sized architecture, we combine most modern wood technology, as glulam timber and other engineered woods, with a modern, computer-aided engineering, enabling the construction of warehouses and buildings.
On site, a wooden building is constructed quickly, because all components were already precisely prefabricated in our assembly halls. An Engelhardt House can therefore be built in every season and almost completely independent of the weather. The building is erected weatherproofed within a few days, and is ready for occupancy within a short time. The insertion of building moisture is in fact reduced to a minimum. By the preferred use of natural and biologically valuable materials we achieve from day one a consistently healthy indoor climate. You can move in immediately!
The modular construction in timber has the unbeatable advantage that building costs are precisely defined before the start of construction and therefore are guaranteed in the construction phase - that means cost transparency from the beginning.
All these factors make a construction project within a business plan or a local needs analysis calculable and economical - from kindergarten and school to a fire equipment building or a vehicle hall for a local construction yard, just to name a few examples for purpose wood constructions.

Bauen im öffentlichen Raum

Bauen im öffentlichen Raum

Bauen im öffentlichen Raum

Bauen im öffentlichen Raum

Bauen im öffentlichen Raum